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Federal Filing $24.99

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Authorized E-FILING Providers By IRS

No hidden charges

Free IRS Representation For 8 Years

Our Services

We are idea-driven, working with a strong focus on design and user experience. Our projects should engage your audience, we want to create wonderful digital things that people love to be part of and use.

Federal and State Tax Filing
Federal and State Tax Filing

We, at Easy Refund, has a dedicated E-Return Originator that is legally registered with the latest IRS Rules and Circular 230

FBAR/FATCA Processing
FBAR/FATCA Processing

You will be asked to report your financial transaction details to the United States Department of Treasury on a yearly basis

ITIN Processing
ITIN Processing

Most of the people don't know the circumstances during which a non-US person need an ITIN and what an ITIN exactly implies

Representation Services
Representation Services

If you receive the letter stating that your income tax return has been selected for an audit, you don't have to worry about it

Amendment Filing
Amendment Filing

Amendment filing services come to the fore when you need to change your return in case of errors while filing the return

Indian Tax Filing
Indian Tax Filing

Easy Refund has incorporated a dedicated processing center solely for India. It helps our Indian clients with business

Entity Formation
Entity Formation

The first step to start a business is to decide on the structure of the business. If you fail to select the right structure

Corporate Tax Filing
Corporate Tax Filing

The name sole ownership itself says that these businesses are owned by single persons and the owners of these companies

Service Assurances


High-quality tax filing services at competitive prices


Provides assistance with w4 and w7 forms


Assures error-free tax return filing


Available 24/7 to provide assistance


Offers free tax return estimates within 24 hours


Simplifies the tax return filing process


Confidential financial and tax fling data is secured


Reviews previous 3 years tax return details


Keeps you updated with the latest tax regulations


Helps you reduce the risk of an audit
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